Faith Discovery Zone
Faith Discovery Zone
What is Faith Discovery Zone?
Faith Discovery Zone is a Christian-based discipleship ministry tailored for children and youth. It is designed to help them explore and exercise the Christian faith by discovering their faith (who am I?), purpose (why am I here?) and vision (how do I see myself in the future?) for their lives in Jesus Christ.
What is the Scriptural basis for FDZ? Matt.19:14; Matt. 18:2-4; Matt. 19:26; Matt. 5:16; Heb. 11:6
Why do we need FDZ?
Faith Discovery Zone is needed to help kids discover who they are, why they are here and what they can achieve through Christ in all areas of their lives. The church must not only support the secular education of our children and youth, but balance it with quality Christian Education so that our kids are both smart and saved.
Where did the idea of FDZ originate?
Faith Discovery Zone is God’s idea! It was directly given to me by Him one evening in my office when I was discussing and imagining with others what a viable children and youth ministry would look like for us. The FDZ name, mantra, points of emphases, colors, main Scripture, and hallway wall designs were born of my Divinely-inspired imagination, aided by conversation with Latoria Marcellus and Edwina Blackwell-Clark., leaders of our children and youth focused ministries.
Who will lead this ministry?
Faith Discovery Zone will operate with Sister Latoria Marcellus as Ministry Director, Sister Edwina Blackwell-Clark as FDZ Community Liaison, along with a wonderful host of other background checked, trained and supervised staff & volunteers.
Who, when and where does the ministry serve?
FDZ serves children and youth, preschool through eighth grades, during our 10:45 a.m. worship services on 3rd and 4th Sunday mornings in the FDZ wing and Sylvester Walker Fellowship Hall. Check-in is at 10:30 a.m. Security will be present.
Church Location
2262 N. Gettysburg Avenue Dayton, OH 45406
Service Times
Worship Service – Sundays – 10:45 am
Bible Study – Wednesdays – 12 Noon & 6:30 pm