Our Destiny
Following the example of Habakkuk 2:1-3, St. Luke continues to follow God’s vision for St. Luke. While the Scripture clearly defines the mission of the Church (see Matthew 28:18-20), the vision speaks to how God wants us to use our collective resources, gifts, and faith to fulfill that mission in, through and beyond our congregation and community. Vision inspires us to serve God with our imagination by seeking to make the best use of what we have to draw as many people as possible to Jesus Christ and the abundant and eternal life He offers. Among other things, it involves the care, proper use, development and expansion of our campus and land for His glory and the good of His people.
St. Luke’s campus is currently situated on approximately 9 acres of land, only 2 1/2 -3 acres of which have been developed. God has given us an ever-growing vision of how we might better fulfill His mission. Originally called Vision 20/20, as of 2021, our vision shall be referred to as Vision 20/20+. We accomplished our original goal of burning our mortgage October 2024. God continues to bless us, we now aim to beautify our campus. Our ultimate goal is to potentially build a Community and Family Life Center as well as potentially add housing developments or an accredited grade school on our undeveloped land.
Taking it all one step at a time, click on the video below to see a 3D rendering of our next phase of development, called “St. Luke Beautiful.”
Church Location
2262 N. Gettysburg Avenue Dayton, OH 45406
Service Times
Worship Service – Sundays – 10:45 am
Bible Study – Wednesdays – 12 Noon & 6:30 pm